Elvie 2019-07-18 0 point Windows versionI had trouble on windows 10 with all the suggested methods here. What worked for me was the fact I downloaded a program called Power2Go when I bought a CD drive for my laptop a couple months back.
This program allowed me to right click the ISO file that extracted from the oregontrailii folder and mount it as a virtual drive. It asked me what I wanted to label the drive as (I picked D:) and then I went to the virtual D:otii drive it created for me and then then I went to WIN32 and open application file Setup32 and it installed it for me. To open the game I opened back up the d:otii and went to data and opened the OTII32 application file. Mine went to black screen then, but I hit the windows button and it minimized it to a playable window.
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This may not be new info to some but I hope this helps anyone as confused as I was at first. Tempest 2017-08-09 4 pointsSo I couldn't figure out how to get this to run at first, but I poked around a bit and finally clicked not on the folder thing, but the Oregon Trail II file.
Go to Win16 or Win32 ( I don't actually know the difference, except maybe the graphics?? )) and double click on Setup.16 or Setup.32It should install the game, although I have noticed in my first attempt to play the game that it's a bit buggy, particularly when you go to the screen to check your supplies.
It won't toggle back to the travel screen very easily.Hope this helps someone! Sal 2017-02-22 0 pointIn order for this to work; your best bet is to do a dual bootable OS setup with windows 98 as your secondary OS or use a virtual machine program. There are ways to get this to work on Windows 10; however, from personal experience with emulators, work arounds in other games; the games don't always play/work as intended.
For example: I've emulated some old RPG games where no matter what you did; your MC would start off with 1HP; other games would have a stutter; AI would act weird; even encountered one where the turn based game gave the enemy ai 5 turns in a row. So best option is to install the original OS as a 2nd OS or virtual machine.
TheCriminalViolin 2016-03-02 0 point Windows versionI got to say, looking at all the screenshots, I'm actually quite saddened. Mecc/The Learning Company simply rehashed the game ever since 2? Oregon Trail 5 was the one I had while in the 3rd-5th grade during lunch break, and this is literally the EXACT SAME GAME. I honestly see NOTHING different here. Did they seriously just simply rebrand it after 2 with 3,4 & 5?
I love Oregon Trail Deluxe, always have, same with the rehash of deluxe, 1.2, and of course thoroughly enjoy OT5. But this rehashing honestly is sad & kind aggravating.